The Most Common Part to Fail on a Furnace

As an expert in the heating and cooling industry, I have seen my fair share of furnace failures. From minor issues to major breakdowns, furnaces can be quite unpredictable. However, there is one part that stands out as the most common culprit for furnace failures - the ignition system.

The Importance of the Ignition System

The ignition system is responsible for starting the furnace and keeping it running. It is a crucial component that ensures the proper functioning of the furnace.

Without a functioning ignition system, your furnace will not be able to produce heat, leaving you and your family in the cold. There are two main types of ignition systems - standing pilot and electronic. Standing pilot systems use a small flame to ignite the gas, while electronic systems use an electric spark to ignite the gas. Both systems have their own set of components that can fail, but they share one common part - the igniter.

The Igniter - The Most Common Culprit

The igniter is a small but mighty part of the ignition system. It is responsible for creating the spark or flame that ignites the gas and starts the heating process.

Without a functioning igniter, your furnace will not be able to start or stay running. There are two types of igniters - hot surface igniters and spark igniters. Hot surface igniters are made of silicon carbide and use electrical resistance to heat up and ignite the gas. Spark igniters, on the other hand, use an electric spark to ignite the gas. Both types of igniters can fail due to wear and tear, electrical issues, or debris buildup. However, hot surface igniters are more prone to failure as they are constantly exposed to high temperatures and can become brittle over time.

Signs of a Failing Igniter

There are a few signs that can indicate a failing igniter.

The most obvious one is when your furnace fails to start or stay running. If you hear the furnace trying to start but it keeps shutting off, it could be a sign of a faulty igniter. Another sign is when your furnace takes longer than usual to start. This could mean that the igniter is not producing enough heat or spark to ignite the gas. You may also notice a clicking sound coming from your furnace, which could indicate that the spark igniter is trying to ignite the gas but failing. In some cases, a failing igniter may cause your furnace to produce a strange smell or make unusual noises.

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to call a professional HVAC technician to inspect and replace the igniter if necessary.

Preventing Igniter Failure

While igniter failure is common, there are some steps you can take to prevent it from happening. The most important one is to schedule regular maintenance for your furnace. A professional technician will inspect and clean the igniter, ensuring that it is in good working condition. You should also replace your furnace filter regularly to prevent debris from building up and damaging the igniter. Additionally, avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners near your furnace as they can damage the igniter and other components.

In Conclusion

The ignition system is an essential part of your furnace, and the igniter is its most common failure point.

Regular maintenance and proper care can help prevent igniter failure, but if you do experience any issues, it is best to call a professional for repairs. Remember, a well-maintained furnace will not only keep you warm but also save you from costly repairs in the long run.

Julian Mckisson
Julian Mckisson

Award-winning troublemaker. Award-winning social media fan. . Hipster-friendly web geek. Unapologetic tv scholar.

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